Please join us for a resident lead themed neighbourhood walk hosted by PNLT as part of Janes Walk: canada/toronto/ wrestling-change-todays-par kdale-forces-divide-and-co mmunity-initiatives-hold-u s-together/

WRESTLING WITH CHANGE IN TODAY’S PARKDALE: The forces that divide and community initiatives that hold us togetherThese days, the common story of Parkdale is about gentrification, social exclusion and poverty. But there’s two sides to every story, and Parkdale is no exception. Together we’ll explore the dichotomies that try to separate this neighbourhood as well as community initiatives that are bringing neighbours together to overcome them. These include the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT), Co-op Cred Program, Parkdale Community Economic Development Project, the Food Flow Project and more.Through the following themes, we’ll explore the issues affecting people who live, work and build community in Parkdale: – Exclusion vs. Inclusion – Gentrification vs. Community assets – Poverty vs. Community wealth We’ll also talk about what a land trust is, we’ll hear from the partners involved in building one in Parkdale, and we’ll explore the opportunities and challenges before us in building a successful land trust in Parkdale.

WRESTLING WITH CHANGE IN TODAY’S PARKDALE: The forces that divide and community initiatives that hold us togetherThese days, the common story of Parkdale is about gentrification, social exclusion and poverty. But there’s two sides to every story, and Parkdale is no exception. Together we’ll explore the dichotomies that try to separate this neighbourhood as well as community initiatives that are bringing neighbours together to overcome them. These include the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT), Co-op Cred Program, Parkdale Community Economic Development Project, the Food Flow Project and more.Through the following themes, we’ll explore the issues affecting people who live, work and build community in Parkdale: – Exclusion vs. Inclusion – Gentrification vs. Community assets – Poverty vs. Community wealth We’ll also talk about what a land trust is, we’ll hear from the partners involved in building one in Parkdale, and we’ll explore the opportunities and challenges before us in building a successful land trust in Parkdale.
Meet at the Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (1499 Queen Street W.) at 11am. Walk will go to 1pm.